Our Inspirational Student of the Month for July is Louise McDowall!

Classes Attends:
When did you start dancing?
I’ve been dancing from the age of four, but was pestering my folks long before that to go to dance. They thought I would become disinterested but it hasn’t happened so far!
What is your favourite style of dance and why?
Ooh that’s a hard one to answer as I think at different times in my life I would have a different answer i.e. Ballet, Tap, Improvisation, Somatic Movement, Contemporary. I’d say right now, Afro and Dancehall are giving me such life, release and positive energy.
Who inspires you to dance and why?
Hmm, there is no one thing that inspires me to dance. I draw inspiration from everywhere as dance is life/living. It’s the core thing that connects me to who I am, and I’m continuously inspired by everyone I meet in this field.