We may be in lockdown, but that doesn’t mean you have to shut down and hibernate until we’re allowed out again. To spice things up, The Dance Studio Leeds have created a fun, all inclusive dance to Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off. This is one that the whole family can do as there’s a standing and sit down version, so something you can all dance together!
The dance consists of a short verse and chorus with lots of arm movements so you can really feel involved whether you are dancing the stand up or sit down version. A great way to wake up and shake up the children or to share a bit of laughter over video with your distant relatives and friends.

A dance a day keeps the blues away!
We want to get the whole of Leeds moving, so if you and your family decide to give our #theDSLshake dance a go, please let us know! Videos or photo evidence very much encouraged!
We’d love to get the whole of Leeds shaking and dancing away any lockdown blues as we strongly believe dancing has such a positive influence not just for your physical health but also for your mental health and well being. We are particularly keen to get as many different generations involved as possible to share some fun and positivity at this difficult time whilst everyone is having to isolate.
” - Katie Geddes - Director