Calling all creatives and artists! We want to hear your thoughts to help us shape future opportunities and support which we provide to professional creatives.


What do you need right now? Is it having space to discuss your current challenges with fellow peers? Are you seeking feedback and advice on a new project? Do you need resources? Creatives discussion ‘Let’s Chat’ has been set up so you can let us know what we can do to help.

So what is ‘Let’s Chat?’

In a nutshell four artists will be selected at random from the applications. In exchange for your valued time in providing your thoughts and ideas you will receive 6hrs of free studio time to use over that calendar month.

The half day discussion is split into two sessions. In session one each of the four artists has 30 mins to discuss and share ideas on their own projects or challenges with the fellow artists present. In session two the artists will be asked a series of questions from DSL around how we as a studio can help and what support you need.

Applications are now open for the Spring edition – artist discussion taking place on Tuesday 28th February 2023.

Any working professional within the creative industries from dancer, singer, actor, photographer, visual artist, musician, videographer, multimedia artist, producer…… etc is welcome to apply. Unfortunately if you are a student in training you are not eligible to apply. 

There is no age restriction, you can be at any stage of your career and from anywhere in the UK,  however please note we cannot provide any travel or accommodation expenses.

Want to find out more? Check out the full details and how to apply here.

If you previously applied for Let’s Chat and would like the same application to roll over please email us to let us know.