The Dance Studio Leeds has been chosen as the wildcard for the best fitness providers in Leeds in the MoveAwards 2016!
” - Move GB LeedsWe are incredibly excited to announce that we have received an award for the Best Fitness Class in Leeds!
Our mission is to get everyone dancing in Leeds! We believe everyone can dance no matter their age, size, and ability and we aim to provide fun, friendly, professional classes and facilities in order to do so.
And now that we are ‘award winning’ we wanted to share the broad array of classes that we offer here at The Dance Studio Leeds. So have a look and see what you fancy, come and join us and see for yourself what makes us so special.
So what do we offer at The Dance Studio Leeds?
- 23 different dance and fitness styles
- 41 classes and courses
- 26 different teachers
- 46 ½ hours of dance in total during the evening/weekends
- Plus, all of the specialised workshops, hen parties and wedding dance tuition we run every week.
Afro Dance Fitness, Baby Dance, Ballet, Bellydance, Commercial, Contemporary, Cuban Salsa, DD Mix (Diverse Dance Mix), Five Rhythms, Hip Hop, Hot Charleston, Ken-Jutsu, Modern Jazz, Pilates, Pilates for Dancers, Raggafanatics, SHE Heels, Street Dance, Swing Dance, Tap, Willpower and Grace, Yoga, Zetsurin Shukokai Karate

So, how do you find out more?
Well, to be honest it’s pretty easy!
Simply click on one of the dance/fitness styles listed above to be taken to the relevant class page for the full details! Or, visit our TIMETABLE if you prefer to look at our classes that way.
As always you can get in contact with us via email and phone if you have some specific questions:
info@thedancestudioleeds.com or 0113 2421550